Joachim Schöpfel

Joachim Schöpfel

Joachim Schöpfel

University Graduations & professional activities

PhD in Psychology at the University of Hamburg.

2008- : Associate Professor for Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Lille.

2022-: Freelance consultant and partner of scidecode science consulting – De Castro, Herb, Rothfritz GbR

2016- : Freelance consultant and partner of Ourouk Consulting, Paris.

2009-2012: Head of Department of Information and Documentation Sciences at the University of Lille.

2012-2017: Director of the French National Centre for the Reproduction of Dissertations (ANRT).

1991-2008: Information expert at the CNRS Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, head of the scientific library and the French document delivery service

Author of numerous publications, communications, reports, etc. in the field of scientific information, academic publishing and library development (most of them available in the HAL repository); special interest in Open Access, Open Science, research data management and research information systems.
Member of the euroCRIS Board, the Advisory Board of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations and the International Grey Literature Network (Greynet).
Involved in the preparation of the Amsterdam Call for Action and the Jussieu Call for Open Science and Bibliodiversity, member of the French Steering Committee for Open Science (Comité pour la Science Ouverte).
Contributed as a consultant to Ourouk reports on the academic publishing landscape, on marketing strategies of the French OA journal platform ISTEX, on business models and strategies of public and private journal platforms in France and other countries, and on the future development of the French OA platform HAL.


An oversight on publications can be found in profiles at Google Scholar or ORCID (0000-0002-4000-807X).

Social media profiles can be found on Twitter at @schopfel or LinkedIn.

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