Pablo de Castro
Pablo de Castro

Pablo de Castro

University Graduations & professional activities

Degree in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). 

Currently working as Technical Secretary for euroCRIS and Open Access Advocacy Librarian at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

2022- : Associate of scidecode science consulting – De Castro, Herb, Rothfritz GbR

2017- : Open Access Advocacy Librarian at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow within the Scholarly Publications and Research Data (SPRD) Service, working on the institutional implementation of Open Science.

2017- : Member of the Task Force on Openness of Science & Technology (TFOST) of the CESAER Association of European Technical Universities. Co-Lead of the international CESAER Open Access WG (2017-2021).

2013- : euroCRIS Board member and leader of the CRIS/IR Interoperability Task Group. From 2018: Technical Secretary of euroCRIS. General coordination tasks in the field of research information management, including public relations, event organisation and coordination of externally funded projects.

2015-2016: Coordinator for the European Commission’s Gold Open Access Pilot/OpenAIRE2020 at the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER) in The Hague.

2013-2015: Director and co-founder of GrandIR Ltd, an Edinburgh-based start-up providing consultancy and technical support to universities on research information management tools and processes. The start-up’s work included full institutional ORCID implementation at various Spanish universities and consortia. 

2012-2013: External consultant for the JISC-funded UK RepositoryNet+ project at the EDINA National Data Centre in Edinburgh. The aim of the UKRepNet project was to „bring together existing repository services in a cost-effective way and provide new applications for the UK repository network“.

2010-2013: Director and co-founder of GrandIR C.B. (Spain), a Madrid-based start-up providing technical support for the establishment and development of institutional OA repositories in Spain and beyond, with a particular focus on activities in developing countries. 

2009-2012 Chair of the JISC-supported international SONEX (Scholarly Output Notification and Exchange, working group to identify and analyse opportunities for content inclusion in repositories (including research publications and data, with a particular focus on CRIS/IR interoperability).


Other activities with international outreach: participation in meetings convened by Knowledge Exchange (KE) on OA monitoring (Utrecht and Copenhagen, 2016) and writing the report on the workshop on research data management organised by KE in November 2011 at the Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn (at the invitation of Simon Hodson). Numerous presentations, workshops, guest lectures and activities in the field of research information management are available on the euroCRIS repository. Blog posts on the euroCRIS and StrathOA blogs. Publications summarised in the author’s ORCID profile.

An oversight on publications can be found at ORCID (Profile 0000-0001-6300-1033).

Social media profiles can be found on Twitter at @pcastromartin or LinkedIn.

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