Changes at scidecode

In March 2012, parallel to my work as an employee for Saarland University, I started freelancing as a science consultant. In addition to lecturing, expert papers and audit studies were soon in demand, e.g. for Inscico or the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. Joachim Schöpfel made it possible for me to work with him on studies for OUROUK Conseil en Management de l’information (Paris). In the autumn of last year, Joachim and I planned to submit a bid together for a Knowledge Exchange (KE) call for proposals, aiming at Risks and Trust in pursuit of a well functioning Persistent Identifier infrastructure. At this point, Laura Rothfritz and Pablo de Castro came on the scene to complete the team. The project for KE is close to completion and in the course of the year the teamwork proved to be so successful that Laura, Pablo and I founded a civil law partnership (GbR) to put the company scidecode science consulting, which I used to run on my own, on a broader foundation and to act as a company rather than as a loose association of consultants. Joachim Schöpfel will collaborate with the GbR-partner team as an independent consultant.

Ulrich Herb
Changes at scidecode

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