
scidecode: a thankful departure

Pablo de Castro, 6 Jan 2025 It was back in March 2022 when Ulrich first proposed part of the team then working on the ‚Persistent Identifiers‘ report commissioned by the Knowledge Exchange to join the scidecode endeavour he had been running for years on his own. It sounded an exciting adventure back then, this opportunity […]

Choosing a data sample provider for our study on the impact of Plan S

[Estimated reading time: 10 mins] The Invitation to Tender that cOAlition S put out on 10 Jul 2023 for a study to assess the impact of Plan S on the global scholarly communication ecosystem stated: This report [addressing the questions and issues posed in Section 2 of this ITT] must be made available under the […]

Scidecode to explore the impact of Plan S

         We at scidecode are proud to announce that our bid in response to the ITT that cOAlition S put out last July for conducting a study to assess the impact of Plan S has been successful. We are delighted to be able to collaborate in the exploration of what Plan S has meant for the […]

„At present Wikidata ID is the most suitable ID for organisations in terms of coverage“

A post – “The more the merrier or how more registered grants means more relationships with outputs” – was published in the Crossref blog last Feb highlighting the progress around the issuing of Crossref DOI-based grant IDs achieved by the European Union as a research funder. This involved having DOI-based grant IDs minted for thousands […]

Ongoing dissemination for the Knowledge Exchange PID Study

As mentioned in our last post in February, once the report and the case studies were published for the work on the current PIDs landscape and its associated risks and trust-related issues, we are now in the midst of its dissemination activity. This post provides an update on the forthcoming events where this Knowledge Exchange […]

The outcomes of the Knowledge Exchange project on PIDs have now been published. The dissemination work is just starting

         Some 16 months after the Thu Sep 23rd, 2021 kick-off meeting for the „Risks and Trust in pursuit of a well-functioning Persistent Identifier infrastructure for research“ project by the Knowledge Exchange, the bulk of its outcomes have now been published. This includes a report („Building the plane as we fly it: the promise of […]

Improving Open Access publishing standards in the Law and wider HSS disciplines

This week the scidecode team met in person again (just for the second time, the first one having been in Utrecht last Oct) to discuss how to approach a new project in the area of Open Access (and publishing standards) for the Humanities and Social Sciences and specifically for Law. Recent times have seen a […]

Gradual release for the outputs of the work on PIDs for the Knowledge Exchange

As we approach the end of 2022, the work for our Knowledge Exchange-commissioned project „Risks and Trust in pursuit of a well-functioning Persistent Identifier infrastructure for research“ is by now largely complete. The final report “Building the Plane as We Fly It: The Promise of Persistent Identifiers” and the remaining case studies are still to […]

Case Study: The role of research funders in the consolidation of the PID landscape

The first case study „The role of research funders in the consolidation of the PID landscape“ from our study on Risks and Trust in pursuit of a well functioning Persistent Identifier infrastructure for research commissioned by Knowledge Exchange (KE) is published. It was mainly written by Pablo de Castro with some support from Laura Rothfritz, Joachim Schöpfel and […]

Published : Some reflections on the current PID landscape

Earlier this month, the article „Some reflections on the current PID landscape – with an emphasis on risks and trust issues“ was published, giving an interim report from the scidecode project on „Risks and Trust in pursuit of a well functioning Persistent Identifier infrastructure“ , the project itself is almost finished. Knowledge Exchange, which commissioned […]

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